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Empower Your Wellbeing

Transform your body and mind with our holistic fitness approach.
Join us today and unlock your full potential.

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Arogya Health & Wellness

Are you ready to start your journey? Find out when we launch.

About The Founder

Brian Dhami Photo

Brian Dhami is the visionary behind Arogya Health & Wellness, a holistic wellness brand that aims for clients to fully pursue their potential in their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Working in the healthcare space as a paramedic for the last decade has not only given Brian the insight into the fragility and vulnerability of the human condition, but also the novel perspective on how these challenges can be met in a kind, compassionate, and individualistic manner for all of his clients based on their specific wellness goals.Brian has over a decade of experience in the space of personal training, as well as in the field of life coaching. Utilizing his expertise in both spheres is the foundation for his wellness approach. This is rooted in his belief that wellness is not just about treating physical symptoms, but also addressing the mental and emotional aspects of health while tuning in and connecting with our authentic self. The main objective for his clients is to achieve sustainable fitness with the hopes of preventing the development or limiting the effects of chronic disease, while helping clients overcome self limiting beliefs and behaviours that may be hindering growth.Join Brian at Arogya Health & Wellness to become the happiest, healthiest you.